Ben Raskin
The Part Time Farmer
I have worked as a full time farmer, full time non farmer and for the last 15 years as part time in both. I know when I have been at my happiest in mind and body. It is when I have a mix of the physical and cerebral, outdoors and indoors, social and introspective.
I am not from a farming background but was lucky to discover horticulture while travelling in my early twenties.
I'd love to hear your views on part time farming
Share your views on part time farming
I am gathering data on attitudes and impact of part time farming as part of my research for an independent report and book. My definition of part time farming is that you don't rely entirely on farming for your livelihood but have other sources of income. I have used the term farmer to keep the questions simple but intend this term to cover a wide range of horticulture, agriculture and arboriculture - from working with indoor or outdoor plants, smallholdings and market gardens, right through to woodland management, livestock and larger farming enterprises.
If any of the following apply to you I'd love to hear from you.
I earn some money from working with plants and animals (or would like to)
I work part time as a farmer or grower
I run a farming or growing business that uses, has used or might use part time workers
I work full time as a farmer or grower but am looking to do other things
I have worked as a part time farmer or grower but now work full time either in farming or not.
If you complete the survey you can be entered into a draw. 5 randomly drawn entries will win a copy of one of my books. Hoping that is an incentive and not a discouragement!
The survey can be completed anonymously. Unless you grant me permission no identifiable details will be published and all data will be anonymised. I will only use your personal data for the purpose of this report and book and will delete GDPR sensitive data six months after publication.